DirectAdmin Site-Helper

Helping you get the most out of DirectAdmin and your web!

# Security Questions

This section covers enabling and modifying security questions.

# Acessing Security Questions

To access security questions, sign into the control panel and then click on the "Advanced Features" icon, followed by the "Security Questions" link.

access system questions

access system questions

From there you can see empty questions page, and also notification that "This feature is not turned on".

In order to enable those secuirty questions press on the "Security Questions options" link below the table.

You will see window with 3 options. In order to enable security questions click on the first check-box.

enable system questions

You can also choose to allow API logins with the current User/Passwowrd and/or enable nofitication after failed login attempts. In order to add new security question, click on the "Add new Security Question" link below the table.

You can choose Included question types or write your own Custom question.

Type question then answer and press "Add" button.

Tip: Choose unexpected answers for better protection.

add system questions

After adding desired questions you can see all questions in the table. You can always delete those questions by checking desired questions and pressing "delete" button afterwards.

delete system questions

Now it's time to test your questions. Log out of your DA panel and try to login again.

After entering your username and password you can see that questions tab appreared. Enter your answer to question and press "Submit Answer" button.

login with system questions

# Need more help?

Please contact your hosting company for more assistance, or visit the DirectAdmin support forum at http://forum.directadmin.comopen in new window.